Register with Whole Health

Welcome to the Whole Health registration process!

We will make this as easy as possible, while still getting the necessary information to provide you the kind of personalized real health care we would want as patients. Depending on how tech savvy you are and how complex your medical history is, this is likely to take anywhere from 10-60 minutes. Each family member will need to register with the process below (parents can register for their children). Please give yourself some time and space to get this done comfortably.

  • Step 1: Complete your basic information here on this page, then verify your email to set up a portal account by following the directions in the email you will be sent.
  • Step 2: Log in to the portal (from the email you were sent in Step 1) and click on the "NEW PATIENTS CLICK HERE" button toward the top of the page to review and sign the patient agreement, provide payment information, and complete your health history information. That's it to get to real+health+care!

Basic Contact Information

Date of Birth *

Your Address

Contact Information

Contact Preferences

Emergency Contact

Insurance Information

Note: Our practice does not bill insurance, but this information makes it easier for us to refer you for other services (like labs or specialists)

Medical Information

Please enter your basic medical information below. You may also add or edit this information after you've signed up.

Set Username and Password for Patient Portal

Please create a username and password that you will use to log into the Patient portal in the future.

Your username must be at least 4 characters long

Your password must be at least 8 characters long and include at least one number or special character.

The Patient Portal gives you access to your health records and lets you securely communicate with our office. When you sign up, you will receive an email with instructions for logging in. Note for multiple family member accounts: you may share an email address but each person must have a unique username.

Sign with mouse or finger:

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Patient Portal Cerbo© 2025